Fifth day of the race. 20.00 GMT. Close reaching, average speeds of 30 knots, peaks of 38. Maserati Multi70 flies toward the Grenada finish-line.
Giovanni Soldini describes how he and the crew spent the fifth day of the RORC Transatlantic Race aboard Maserati Multi70:
«An incredible day! We’re making 20/22 knots on a close reach. We flew for a couple of hours. We stuck at it for as long as possible but then when the waves got too big, we adopted wave trim. That means we are able to maintain quite considerable average speeds yet still sail Maserati Multi70 safely. We’ve managed to find the right trim for these conditions and we’re very satisfied. We’re making average speeds of around 30 knots without taking any risks or forcing anything. Every now and then, we have a stability issue with the profile of the foiling rudder when we’re going flat out at 38 knots. Sometimes bearing away, sometimes hauling windward. We’re logging some big numbers. The boat skids sideways and we have to strike all the sails, then start again very calmly after taking a couple of big deep breaths!»
To follow the race: Cartography section