On Sunday November 26th Giovanni Soldini and the Maserati Multi70’s Team left Honolulu towards Japan (around 4000 nm of crossing), after completing the work aboard Maserati Multi70 and performing the last tests with designer Guillaume Verdier.
The trimaran is currently in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, at 20° North and 178° East and a few hours ago it passed the International Date Line.
“Maserati is in great shape and she’s diving off the waves at high speed – Soldini says – We’re sailing with full jennaker and mainsail at 25-30 knots. Aboard everything is fine, last night Francesco cooked lentils and bacon for everyone… it’s not quite an equatorial dish but all the crew really appreciated it”.
The Maserati Multi70’s Team is getting ready to face the last part of the journey to Japan. The trimaran will leave the trade winds and enter an area of turbulence with more complex weather conditions. The cold fronts usually pass by the Japanese islands and flow towards the Northern Pacific Ocean. The strong cold air flows behind them create a North-North West wind that will need to be managed smartly by the Team.